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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Trump wimps out on a dinner that includes a hostile press. What else will he wimp out on when it is hostile? What is he so AFRAID of?

Trump wimps out on a dinner that includes a hostile press. What else will he wimp out on when it is hostile? What is he so AFRAID of?

This is the guy who is supposed to lead our country in a hostile world. He doesn't have the courage to show up at an annual dinner what else will he not have the courage to face? How can we have confidence in a person who is so intimidated by others that he runs away from confrontation? Do you trust him to stay when things get tough or to slip away out of sight to someplace SAFE?

Posted - April 24, 2017


  • 16304
    I wouldn't call it wimping out. He's actually not afraid of the press, he just detests them so avoids them where possible. He's an incorrigible narcissist, so dislikes being in situations where he's not surrounded by adoring morons and trained seals.
      April 24, 2017 8:49 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I disagree with thee Sbf. I believe sincerely that Trump is DEATHLY AFRAID of a press he cannot control/manipulate/muzzle. They make him look bad and looking bad is something he cannot tolerate. So since he can't control them he censors them or hides from them giving any old ruse as an excuse for his terror at being unmasked and shown for the "Wizard of Oz" he is. A tiny frightened little man who hides  behind bluster and bellicosity to cover up his complete inadequacy of not being being brave, intrepid, forthright and accessible. He won't play the game unless the cards are stacked in his favor. He doesn't dare. He will lose and lose badly and it will destroy him. So he hides. Just my opinion of course Sbf. Thank you for yours m'dear!  :)
      April 25, 2017 5:30 AM MDT